Hello again, Warriors!
In this article we’ll be going over additional details to make you successful when playing BuChibi. If you want to score big on the leaderboards you’ll want to read through this!
If you are just now delving into the world of BuChibi, feel free to check out our other articles releasing over the next few weeks.

- Generate Duel Ducats from defeating bosses
- Collect Ultimate Emblems using the Soul Gate
- Use Ultimate Emblems to level up your team
- Reach milestones, complete quests, and earn rewards
Generating Emblems
To become stronger in Zenthara you will need a few things, but most importantly Emblems. Emblems are used to empower your Chibis to unleash their full potential.

Generate Emblems Through the Soul Gate
To create emblems you’ll need to use the Soul Gate located at the bottom of the screen (Generation Button). You’ll need to pay the toll to the ferryman by offering your Duel Ducats as payment. Once you’ve paid the Ferryman’s fee, souls will be relinquished and combined to create 3 types of base Emblems.
The emblems generated by the Soul Gate are random with every use and the Soul Gate must generate matching pairs of emblems in order to create an Ultimate Emblem.
Duel Ducats are used to use the Soul Gate and the Ducats needed to generate emblems increases as you progress through the game. This makes it harder to generate emblems without the proper support from your team.
Souls - Agility, Strength, Spirit, Duel Ducat
You are guaranteed a single Ultimate Emblem whenever you pay the Ferryman’s Toll. Combine 3 or more of the same kind of soul (Agility, Strength, Spirit) and a burst of Ultimate Emblems are rewarded.
3 of kind = 3 Ultimate Emblems
4 of kind = 6 Ultimate Emblems
5 of kind = 12 Ultimate Emblems
If you manage to get 3 or more Ducat Souls not only will you get a burst of Emblemsm but you’ll also get a large sum of Duel Ducats.

BuChibis are powerful warriors from Zenthara. These warriors are playable characters from our other game, Bushi! We would recommend collecting all of the BuChibis for many different benefits. But first lets talk about why Ultimate Emblems are important.
BuChibis - Ultimate Emblems
The Ultimate Emblems you gather from the Soul Gate are used to level up your BuChibis. Leveling up your Chibi is important for your progression and Duel Ducat income generation. The higher the level of your Chibi the more damage they deal to a Boss and increased income for Duel Ducat generation.
BuChibi levels also correlate to your Account Level.

BuChibis - Leveling & Account Level
The level of your BuChibis = The Level of your Account
This also means that if you have multiple BuChibis their collective levels add to the account level. Here is an example of how this is calculated.
Ex: I have 6 BuChibis all at level 1. My Account Level would be 6.
# of BuChibis & Level = BuChibi LevelsAccount Level6 Level 1 BuChibis = 6Account Level 65 Level 1 BuChibis = 5
1 Level 10 BuChibi = 10 | Account Level 15 || 3 Level 4 BuChibis = 12+2 Level 2 BuChibis = 4+1 Level 20 BuChibis = 20 | Account Level 36 |

Boss Hunts
Boss Hunts are events in which you try and defeat as many bosses as possible within the alotted 1 hour period. At the end of the Boss Hunt event, you will be given a treasure chest filled with Duel Ducats based on the amount of bosses that you've taken down!

Boss Hunt - Tips
Your team will automatically attack the bosses at their own pace. If you want to reach higher rewards you’ll need to increase your Team’s damage output. To increase your team’s damage you can do a few things.
- Every 15 to 45 secs you’ll see a red indicator which is the Boss’ weakpoint. If you click the weakpoint you have the option to increase your Team’s damage for a period of time. This will help with defeating more Bosses and increasing your Duel Ducat income.
- Strength Elixirs: There are Strength Elixirs that can be purchased in the store that increase the damage of your Team. These Elixirs vary in Duel Ducat & Damage increase as well as duration of the Elixir Strength.
- Log-in Every Hour: For optimal Boss rewards we recommend logging in every hour to claim your Treasure and resetting your Boss Hunt event.

Amping is a feature that you unlock at level 60. This is for those who are wanting to bigger rewards and progress through the game at a faster pace.

Amping - Chi Coins & Multipliers
Currently when you pay the Ferryman a visit at the Soul Gates you spend Duel Ducats to relinquish souls to gain Ultimate Emblems. When you Amp the Soul Gate you not only pay the Ferryman Duel Ducats, but you also throw in additional Chi Coins to boost the generation during the Soul Gate process.
There are 5 Tiers of Amping which is displayed with "1X, 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X". Each Amp stage represents the multiplier of Duel Ducats and Ultimate Emblems you will receive. But be careful, the higher the Amp stage, the more Chi Coins it takes to generate emblems.

If you have extra Chi Coins and you need a boost of Ultimate Emblems try Amping for a huge payout!
Final Thoughts
That is all we have for you right now! BuChibi has been a very fun experience developing and we hope you enjoy it. There's much more in store for BuChibi, Bushi, and the overall ecosystem as a whole. Make sure to stay up to date by following us on X or Discord. Until we meet again, stay safe out there, Warriors!